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Future Alumni Essay Contest Winning Essay

By Megan Olivia Hernandez

The first time I walked onto campus at Trident Tech, I was trembling and had to give myself a pep talk before I even got out of my car. I had been in South Carolina for less than two months; I knew no one and absolutely nothing about starting cosmetology school. I walked into the registrar’s office, despite my trepidation, and I am so very glad that I did. I was greeted with attention and kindness from the second I walked in the door. The dean, herself, gave me a tour of the campus and introduced me to my future teachers. The dean, the assistant dean, and the registration staff kindly helped me through the registration process. They made me feel like attending college at TTC was an achievable feat, and I could see that I would have the support I needed. 

As a military wife, I take my duty to serve my country, through the support of my husband, a sailor in the United States Navy, very seriously.  It is an honor to play a small part in the service of my country through supporting my husband and the military community.  Being a military spouse is challenging, but I will not complain of the hardships because I truly see this life as a privilege. Nonetheless, it is all too common for a military wife to lose herself; it is very easy for a woman to fail to find her own identity. Trident Technical College has helped me find my own identity, express my creativity, and become trained in a skill that will allow me to further support my family. 

With the help of Trident Tech, I have been able to carve out who I want to be in my career and how I can achieve my goals. I cannot speak higher praises of the teachers I have encountered in the cosmetology program. They have, not only trained me in physical skills, but have also taught me how to treat all people with respect, kindness, and integrity. My teachers are experts in their field and are always willing to share that expertise with their students. They have pushed my creativity and my skills set without destroying my self confidence. The cosmetology teachers have made a huge impact on my life, and I am certain I would not be this close to graduating without their untiring help and affirmation. 

My goal for when I graduate is to "pay my dues" in a salon and continue to learn about the cosmetology industry, and one day, with hard work and determination, open my very own salon. I would love to somehow serve the military community through the tools and skills with which Trident Tech has equipped me. I cannot wait to join the workforce; I am confident with the education I have received at Trident Tech, I can begin to strike out on my path as a cosmetologist.  In the more distant future, I would love to teach cosmetology, so that I may impact the lives of others in a positive way, as I have experienced here. 

After graduation, I will continue to help other military wives see the importance of finding their own identities, and I will point them in the direction of Trident Tech. Even now, before I’ve graduated, I consider myself an unofficial ambassador for Trident Tech in a community that often does not think about college as an option. I have already sung Trident Tech’s praises on social media, and in person, to my fellow Navy wives, and will continue to do so.  I will help Trident Technical College and future students through sharing my wonderful experience and letting future students know there is always a way to achieve their goals with Trident Tech. After graduation, I will proudly display my Trident Technical College diploma in my station, and then hopefully, I will one day be able to hang it in my very own salon.  I am proud to be a future graduate of Trident Technical College; I sincerely hope that I can bring more Navy wives to join me in gaining their own identity through exploring all of the programs here at Trident Technical College!  


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