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It's Your Time

Rory Thomas

Future Alumni Essay Contest

2017 Runner-up

Are you insecure about going back to school to better your career choices and income earning potential? Not sure you want to commit right away to a four-year college? Not sure that you can afford it or even have the time to take classes? Then you are very much in the desperate position I was in, not very long ago. I have a mortgage to pay, mouths to feed, and more than one job to make that happen. I chose to attend Trident Technical College (TTC) because there is a campus close to home, and the courses are offered throughout the day and evening as well as online. This flexibility provided me with a class schedule that allowed me to “pay the bills” while improving the quality of my professional life. In addition, TTC paired me with an advisor to guide me into the right courses that ended up building my confidence and helping me to believe that I could thrive in college. And yes, even after many years out of high school I am an A student!

Because, TTC is focused on educating and preparing students for careers that are in demand, I know that my career path in Pharmacy will afford me a fulfilling lifelong livelihood. I am able to pursue this vocation in large part due to the affordability of TTC with lottery assistance, a scholarship, and being part of the work study program that TTC offers. As a scholarship recipient, I have been able to focus on my studies, and as a work-study student, I am able to work in a lab that provides me with insight into my chosen profession, time to study, access to incredibly dedicated instructors as well as help me to afford being in college. Another advantage of being a TTC student is the Student Ambassador program. I have been a student ambassador for one semester, but unfortunately, the time required is not something that I can afford. It is a worthwhile program and if I had more time, I would definitely take advantage of it. By taking advantage of all that TTC has to offer, the cost of enrollment has been less than half of what a regular four-year college would have cost!

TTC strives to be a partner in our community. It collaborates with other universities in the area and supplies a pipeline of educated adults to local businesses. Because of my achievements at TTC, I will transfer to the College of Pharmacy at the Medical University of South Carolina. With my PharmD degree, I will attain my personal goal to help others in our community and beyond.

My college career has provided many opportunities and tools that have helped me to discover more about what I am capable of, and about myself as a person. TTC has a great library with plenty of private space to study and do research. The internet access is incredibly dependable and easily accessible from my personal devices or from a TTC computer, and there are many places on the campus to relax in comfort and eat a meal while studying. I personally have used the top-notch fitness facility on the main campus many times during spaces between classes to stay in shape and avoid the pit-falls that inevitably come from long hours of sitting while studying.

I wish that I had this letter to read many years ago. If so, I would have enrolled a lot sooner! Did you answer yes to any of the questions at the start of this letter? Now it’s your time to discover your own path to a new or better professional career. Don’t let fear, insecurities or finances prevent you from reaching your potential.


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