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Trustee Q&A: Kevin Frank

Kevin Frank, President and CEO of AstenJohnson, joined the TTC Foundation Board of Trustees in 2016 and serves on the Finance/Audit Committee. 

We asked him for his take on the value of Trident Technical College.  

What is one thing everybody should know about Trident Tech?

The programs are directly applicable to industry and provide qualified, trained and often experienced applicants ready to help a business grow.

What was your biggest surprise about Trident Tech?
The diversity of the students is fantastic and their enthusiasm is hard to duplicate. These are students from all walks of life, highly motivated to get to work and apply their training while eager to learn and contribute to society.

What is your advice for students in the COVID world?
We will get through this and as we do, there will be many new opportunities for graduates who are ready to put their expanded skills to work.

What is the best advice you’ve received?
Hard work and innovative thinking will pay off over the long run, but nothing good is ever easy.

Kevin Frank is the President and CEO of AstenJohnson, a preferred manufacturer of paper machine clothing, specialty fabrics and filaments for the worldwide paper industry. A graduate of Simon Fraser University in Vancouver, Canada, Kevin has completed Advanced Management Studies at UNH & Maastricht University. In 2012 he was named a White House Champion of Change for his work advancing economically advantageous and environmentally friendly approaches to clean energy. 


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