America Martinez Gonzalez moved to the United States from Mexico with her parents
at the age of 18. She eventually learned
English by watching the television show, "Friends."
She says, “Because of the language barrier, I felt so
insecure about meeting new people. But "Friends" helped me overcome the struggle
and I laughed a lot while doing so.”
Now she has two teenagers of her own and is one semester away
from getting her associate degree in Baking and Pastry at the Culinary
Institute of Charleston at Trident
Technical College.
For years Gonzalez would drive by Thornley Campus in North
Charleston thinking how nice it must be to study there. At the time, she did not
have a social security number, a high school diploma or the money to go to
college. She thought the American dream was beyond her reach.
“I never
thought I could have a career in the U.S. or be a student at Trident Tech. I
thought when I got my G.E.D. that was as far as I could go," she says.
But when she first started the process of enrollment, everyone she encountered at Trident Tech told her
the opposite.
“The faculty and staff made me feel as if I could do it, and
I eventually believed them. I am now a confident student and proud to be a part
of the TTC family,” says Gonzalez.
Gonzalez received the Limehouse Produce Endowed Scholarship
through the TTC
Foundation two years in a row and that has allowed her to take classes
outside of her degree - classes that will enhance her education and increase
her success. In her scholarship thank you letter, she wrote:
“As an immigrant, I have learned that we must take every opportunity
that comes our way because that is what the American dream is all about. As a mother, I try to educate my daughters by being an
example to them. That is why, despite the hardships I may encounter, I keep
fighting to earn my degree.”
“My daughter said to me the other day, ‘Mommy, I’m so proud of you. Nothing has been easy for you and you still do it.’ And that just makes it all worthwhile.”
Read more about available TTC Foundation Scholarships, programs at the Culinary Institute of Charleston and the generosity of Limehouse Produce.
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